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  • Transformative Transparency for Local Natural Resource Revenue Management
    Vol. 54 No. 1 (2025)

    Transparency in the extractive sector is often seen as a solution to resource-related challenges, yet its impact on the ground remains limited. Many transparency initiatives focus on merely disclosing information but fail to empower citizens or hold decision-makers accountable. This doctoral thesis argues that for transparency to be transformative, it must go beyond information disclosure and actively strengthen state-citizen interactions in managing natural resource revenues.

    By examining localized transparency efforts in two oil-rich districts in Indonesia—Bojonegoro and Pelalawan—the doctoral thesis explores key factors that influence the success of transparency initiatives and offers insights into how they can be enhanced to promote more effective natural resource revenue management. Emphasizing often-overlooked aspects such as citizen engagement and government accountability within the transparency process, the thesis introduces an analytical framework that integrates three essential elements of transformative transparency: information disclosure, citizen action, and accountability measures. The framework serves both as a tool for evaluating existing initiatives and a guide for designing transparency policies that work through enhancing public participation and state responsiveness. Simultaneously, this thesis reveals that citizens' participation and engagement depend on their legal rights, their lived experiences with extraction, and their perceived political distance from decision-makers.

    The thesis highlights the need for tailored transparency initiatives that consider local contexts and power dynamics rather than assuming a one-size-fits-all approach. This thesis provides valuable insights for policymakers, activists, and industry leaders seeking to design transparency initiatives that not only inform but also empower citizens and promote government's accountability in the extractive sector and revenue management. 

  • Social innovations for inclusive development in tourism – insights from Kemi, Finland
    Vol. 53 No. 4 (2024)

    More sustainable tourism development requires acknowledging local perspectives. However, local needs and ideas might be overlooked in tourism development processes, which leads to exclusive development where tourism services are locally irrelevant, and locals do not get to participate in planning. This kind of tourism usually emphasizes economic targets whereas its social benefits might be limited.

    The doctoral thesis challenges the current state of tourism planning and development by bringing the concept of social innovation into the discussion. Social innovations emphasize more comprehensive social value creation and co-operation instead of business-focused planning. The thesis examines social innovations in relation to tourism in Kemi, Finland, through ethnographic approaches. With empirical examples ranging from public and private sector to local young people, the thesis demonstrates linkages between locally based social innovations and tourism development.

    The thesis contributes to the discussions of how tourism development could better acknowledge the diversity of local perspectives and the various needs on a local level. It is suggested that social innovations can enhance more inclusive development in tourism and strengthen local resilience. At the same time, the thesis highlights the necessity to critically examine social innovations against the broad need to sustain socio-environmental systems at multiple scales.

  • Oikeudenmukaisuuden maantiede: individuaatio, transformaatio ja perustuslaillinen lakimaisema
    Vol. 53 No. 3 (2024)

    The doctoral dissertation is located in the field of geography of justice and is also the first Finnish dissertation research related to the geography of justice. The dissertation research creates new theoretical and empirical openings for the discussion on spatial justices and geographies of justices, in which the research participates in the form of three sub-publications and a summary section that synthetically connects them. The research builds one perspective on the geography of justice by combining the geographical research approach with the philosophical, jurisprudential, and historical research approaches. By highlighting the understanding of relativity related to the object of justice and spatial conceptions of justice, the dissertation increases awareness of the space for togetherness created by fundamental rights, and hence builds a bridge for cooperation in both scientific and societal life.

  • Quantitative geodiversity assessment in biodiversity investigations
    Vol. 53 No. 2 (2024)

    Geodiversity, the diversity of non-living nature, has gained increased attention in scientific discourse in recent years. It refers to the diversity of geological, geomorphological and hydrological features of the Earth's (sub-)surface, which also provide the basis for biodiversity.

    This thesis investigates the concept of geodiversity and its relationship with biodiversity. The main objective is to establish a theoretical and methodological framework for studying landscape-scale geodiversity in biodiversity investigations, with some insights for nature conservation. The research includes a theoretical overview of the geodiversity–biodiversity relationship and provides empirical evidence of the relationship from both freshwater and terrestrial ecosystems. Additionally, it introduces the first Europe-wide geodiversity dataset, facilitating future research on this topic.

    Moreover, this thesis challenges conventional views of nature’s diversity that define diversity narrowly and primarily in biotic terms. Increased understanding of geodiversity will contribute to a more holistic approach to nature, both in research and in public discourse.

  • Political Geographies of the Far-Right: The Environment, Space and Ideology in a Warming World
    Vol. 53 No. 1 (2024)

    Edited by Sonja Pietiläinen & Ville Kellokumpu

    Valentin Domann – Shifting notions of the rural: Protests over traffic infrastructure and far-right normalization

    Johanna Hanson – Looking beyond climate contrarianism: nationalism and the reterritorialization of climate discourse in Spain’s Vox party

    John Peter Antonacci – Green Großraum: Carl Schmitt’s political ecology of space

    Alexandra McFadden – Hindutva Civilizationism in India: Unravelling the Human-Ecological Conditions

    Diren Valayden – Governing “decadent cities”: The far-right as agents of climate counterinsurgency

    Lise Benoist Far-right localism as an environmental strategy in France

    Sonja Pietiläinen The nightless nights of the ‘Nazi camp’: The Finnish far-right’s anti-climate politics in urban space

    Evi-Carita Riikonen Imagining Finland: negotiating the sense of self through return imaginaries

  • The spatial politics of depoliticization: Visionary planning, bioeconomy, and forest capital
    Vol. 52 No. 1 (2023)

    Depoliticization is a pivotal political strategy that defines the contemporary governance of core capitalist democracies. This thesis asks how depoliticization manifests itself as a political strategy in the spatial restructuring of the Finnish state space. The differentiation of the economic and the political sphere and the resulting ecological dominance of “the economy” under capitalism provides a unique setting for depoliticization to appear in the form of economization. The thesis applies strategic-relational state theory and the theories of uneven development to examine depoliticization.

    The overall contribution of the thesis reveals how the material interdependence of the political sphere with other societal spheres and the social totality of capitalist society produces a specific place for politics that conditions its operational autonomy. The normative critique of depoliticization should move from the level of critiquing politics to a critique of the social totality which produces a specific place for politics.

  • Re-worlding: Pluriversal Politics in the Anthropocene
    Vol. 51 No. 2 (2022)

    Edited by Aapo Lunden & Carlos Tornel

    Tim May – Friends of the Lake? Ontological Ambiguities and the Megacolector Conflict

    António Carvalho & Mariana Riquito – Listening-with the subaltern: Anthropocene, Pluriverse and more-than-human agency

    Marina Wertheimer – Environmental conflicts and cultural misunderstandings in a Buenos Aires wetland settlement

    Erandi Maldonado-Villalpando & Jaime Paneque-Gálvez – Grassroots innovation in alternatives to development: a review

    Arturo Escobar, Carlos Tornel & Aapo Lunden – On design, development and the axes of pluriversal politics: An interview with Arturo Escobar

    Jason W. Moore – Anthropocene, Capitalocene & the Flight from World History: Dialectical Universalism & the Geographies of Class Power in the Capitalist World-Ecology, 1492-2022

    Federico Luisetti – Pluriversalism and the Ecological Regime of Accumulation

    Japhy Wilson – The Insurgent Universal: Between Eurocentric Universalism and the Pluriverse

    Carlos Tornel – Seeking common ground: On possible dialogues between Marxisms and Political Ontology

  • Geography’s ability to enhance powerful thinking skills and knowledge
    Vol. 51 No. 1 (2022)

    Finnish upper secondary geography education has faced major changes within the last decade. In 2014, geography lost one of its compulsory courses in the distribution of lesson hours. Afterward, curriculum reforms were conducted in 2015 and 2019, and the geography test in the Finnish matriculation examination was digitalized in 2016. Similar major changes have occurred across the globe over the last 20 years as geography’s position in schools has weakened. Therefore, geography educationists have engaged in discussion regarding the kinds of knowledge and thinking skills that geography encourages young people to learn during their years in school. This thesis acknowledges that geography involves much more than teaching and learning simple facts about world’s topography, regions, and places, which is how geography is usually understood in popular views.

    The aim of this thesis is to widen our understanding of thinking skills and powerful knowledge in the context of geography education. Theoretically, the thesis brings together discussions of powerful geographical knowledge with thinking skills and knowledge dimensions from a revised version of Bloom’s taxonomy, and it suggests that these can be used as two “lenses” through which to examine geography. The main objective of the thesis is to examine geography’s potential to engage students in thinking skills and powerful geographical knowledge, using Finnish upper secondary geography education as an example.

  • The participation of citizens in land use planning and decision-making in Northern areas – the potential of PPGIS in increasing interaction
    Vol. 50 No. 3 (2021)

    This doctoral dissertation studies the use of the public participation geographic information system (PPGIS) in land use planning and decision-making in sparsely populated Northern regions. The main research question is: What types of practices and knowledge does PPGIS bring to public participation in land use planning in Northern regions?

    Sparsely populated Northern regions pose a specific challenge for planning. In those regions, land ownership by the state or the municipality is general and there are many different interests by locals and non-locals in the same regions. The reconciliation of different land uses is essential because of the many interests (e.g., tourism, nature conservation, mining, forestry, indigenous people, interests of locals and non-locals, recreation and reindeer herding). The different roles of the information, land use and the development of the participation and interaction in land use planning are in focus. The relevant question is who and which interests lead land use planning and decisions.

  • For Postcapitalist Studies: Inheriting Futures of Space and Economy
    Vol. 50 No. 2 (2021)

    The worldwide social and ecological unravelling of the 21st century presents an unprecedented challenge for thinking and practising liveable economies. As life support systems are annihilated in view of the sustainable accumulation of capital, social and economic alternatives are rapidly emerging to shelter possibilities for life amidst the ruins. Postcapitalism has gained increasing attention as an invitation to amplify existing alternatives to systemic scale. The transformations required are the focus of social movements, political projects and academic research that demand the theorisation and organisation of alternatives to capitalist realism today. What has often received less attention is how such emancipatory alternatives are burdened with problematic legacies living on within, in the epistemic heritage enabling and organising societal transformation. The ‘post-’ prefix, and the break from capitalism that it announces, has largely been treated as a given. This study resists such temptations of the affirmative in order to ask how restrictive and counterproductive burdens are carried along in emancipatory thought and practice, and how their continuous negotiation might have to redefine postcapitalism itself. Taking the ‘post-’ seriously demands critical and theoretical skills capable of examining the complexity of our inherited troubles.

  • Spatial and temporal trends in different dimensions of macrophyte biodiversity in boreal lakes
    Vol. 50 No. 1 (2021)

    To comprehensively understand the impact of anthropogenic activities on biodiversity, we must understand how biodiversity has changed over time and its underlying processes. Regardless of a recent increase in scientific interest towards changes in community composition, i.e. beta diversity, these changes have not been studied comprehensively in lake environments in a spatio-temporal framework. In addition, although biotic homogenisation has gained much attention in recent decades, it is still unclear how this process acts at different levels of biodiversity through time.

    The main aim of this thesis is to study temporal and spatial biodiversity patterns of vascular aquatic macrophyte communities in small boreal lakes during a period of 70 years. The focus is on beta diversity-environment relationships and different dimensions of biodiversity, with special attention to functional features. This thesis is based on three separate case studies that all have utilised temporal presence-absence data of vascular aquatic macrophytes from 27 to 28 lakes from the 1940s to the 2010s.

  • NGP Yearbook 2020 Political Ecologies of Inertia
    Vol. 49 No. 5 (2020)

    Edited by Ville Kellokumpu & Aapo Lunden

    Carlos Tornel – Petro-populism and infrastructural energy landscapes: The case of Mexico’s Dos Bocas Refinery 

    Marika Kettunen – “We need to make our voices heard”: Claiming space for young people’s everyday environmental politics in northern Finland

    Ruiying Liu Strategies for sustainability in shrinking cities: frames, rationales and goals for a development path change

    Keijo Lakkala Utopianism in the Age of Capitalocene

    Luke Struckman Technological and institutional lock-in and excessive synthetic nitrogen fertilizer use on North American grain and oilseed farms

    Suvi Huttunen Socio-cultural lock-ins and the difficulty of sustainability transition in fertilization – Response to Struckman

    Silvia Secchi The political economy of unsustainable lock-ins in North American commodity agriculture: a path forward – Response to Struckman

  • Rethinking Arctic tourism: tourists’ practices and perceptions of the Arctic in Rovaniemi
    Vol. 49 No. 4 (2020)

    What is ‘Arctic’ in ‘Arctic tourism’? What makes the distinction between ‘Arctic tourism’ and ‘tourism in the Arctic’? Can we set and designate boundaries for Arctic tourism and can we find a consensus for its definition? This study explores these questions by investigating tourists’ practices and representations of the Arctic at the moment of crossing the Arctic Circle in Rovaniemi.

    In his thesis, Varnajot offers a reconceptualization of Arctic tourism, not solely based on a spatial perspective, but also grounded in tourists’ experiences. It is argued that for future smart and more responsible practices, Arctic tourism, both as a segment and as a concept, should be understood as fluid in time and space, adapting to the dynamic nature of the Arctic and its myriad of cultures, rather than being locked in stereotypical images, products and activities.

  • Integrating accessibility analysis in ecosystem service and disservice mapping
    Vol. 49 No. 3 (2020)

    Ecosystems support human existence and well-being through supply of services. Alongside the benefits, ecosystems also produce disservices that are perceived as unwanted, unpleasant or economically harmful. In both cases, most services and disservices are commonly produced and consumed (or encountered) in areas geographically distant from each other, which is a challenge in the assessment and mapping of ecosystem (dis)services.

    This thesis meet this challenge by testing the applicability of spatial accessibility analysis to assess the availability and access to ecosystem services, but also the suitability of the used methods for measuring the negative effects that nature can cause for people. The results showed that accessibility approach has a high potential to offer an efficient method to assess the transfer of ecosystem services and disservices through active transport of goods or traveling of people. This method also responded to the need to develop a practical tool for both ecosystem service and disservice research and decision-making.

  • Political geographies of the ‘changing’ Arctic: perspectives on the interface between politics and the region as a process
    Vol. 49 No. 2 (2020)

    During the past few decades, the Arctic has become increasingly understood as a changing region. This change incorporates issue areas from climatic and environmental change to economic, political and social change. While much of the public and academic discussion on the ‘changing’ Arctic has taken the Arctic for granted as a regional framework in which the processes of change occur, there is a need to understand how this knowledge on change itself has been constructed, and how it has been attached to the Arctic as a distinct region. By building on this background, this thesis seeks to analyze how the understanding of the Arctic as a changing region contributes to different political and spatial dynamics, which are approached empirically by a focus on the Arctic strategies and policies of Finland, France, Japan and Alaska.

    A key argument of the thesis is that we cannot understand the current political discussion on the Arctic without understanding the regionalization process in which the Arctic has been constructed as a distinct region in relation to specific criteria. The results show that different ideas regarding what the Arctic region is have become key issues driving policy-making processes and political debate. Further, the results show that these policies and political debates are themselves key mediums through which the region and regional knowledge are produced, contested and transformed. This indicates that regional knowledge itself is politically meaningful, and scientists, too, should be attentive of the political implications that the knowledge we produce may have.

  • NGP Yearbook 2019 Energy and Nomos – Spatial (Dis)Order and (Post)Fossil Times
    Vol. 48 No. 6 (2019)


    1 Heikki Sirviö Introduction to Energy and Nomos theme issue - Energetic underpinnings of the legal-political order and its transformation

    7 Simo Sarkki Contested emergency: Five gaming strategies between environmental and economic science-policy-society coalitions

    31 Teemu Suorsa Energy, Experience, and Educational Psychology: Changing practices in and beyond Fossil Capitalism

    47 Kyle Conway Chronotopes of Petromodernity: Oil and Mobile Privatization in the 1950s

    63 Giovanni Frigo Post-fossil Nomoi of Energy

    75 Katariina Ala-Rämi, Kyllikki Taipale-Erävala & Mirja Väänänen Structural change as an opportunity for a post-mining region: The case of Pyhäjärvi, Finland

  • Statistical modelling of circumpolar permafrost: thermal and geomorphic sensitivities to climate change and societal implications
    Vol. 49 No. 1 (2020)

    Perennially frozen ground, permafrost, governs complex geo- and ecosystems in the Arctic. Millions of people reside on the frozen ground that has historically supported the integrity of their cities and transportation infrastructure. Permafrost, however, is not permanent but sensitive to the ongoing climate change. Recently, rapid warming and thawing of permafrost have been observed globally. This is prone to incur continued, increasingly crucial implications for the natural and human systems in the Arctic.

    This thesis examines the contemporary characteristics of the Northern Hemisphere permafrost and assesses its sensitivities to 21st-century climate change. The results show that near-surface permafrost and associated landforms may be lost over extensive areas, and that permafrost thaw-related ground instabilities put a large amount of Arctic infrastructure at risk.

  • Geography meets ecology: developing proxies to understand variations of stream biodiversity
    Vol. 48 No. 5 (2019)

    Biodiversity patterns in streams have been shown to be structured by direct physical properties of the local habitat and by proxy features on the catchment and regional scales, but one problem has been related to moderate explanatory power using such traditional environmental variables. This study investigates biodiversity patterns in northern streams by introducing the use of geographical proxy variables of environmental features (i.e. geodiversity) and dispersal (i.e. different geographical distances).

    According to the results, traditional environmental variables contributed most to the variation in stream biodiversity. However, geographical proxies were useful in understanding biodiversity-environment relationships. If further developed, similar proxy variables to those presented in this thesis could offer complementary insights to help explain the structuring of biodiversity patterns in streams. In addition, conservation efforts of stream environments may also benefit from the identified cost-efficient proxy variables helping to understand the nuances in biodiversity variation.

  • Limits of localism: Institutional perspectives on communicativeness, neoliberalization and sustainability in Finnish spatial planning
    Vol. 48 No. 4 (2019)

    Municipalities play an increasingly important role in spatial planning in Finland. During the last decades, planning powers have been transferred to the local level while deconstructing the mechanisms of top-down steering. Local communities and stakeholders are seen to counterbalance the circumscribed bureaucratic control of land use.

    In his thesis, Hytönen analyzes the transformation of Finnish spatial planning with a focus on the relationship between public steering and market actors. He describes how expert-driven welfarist planning is evolving to suit the needs of business facilitation and the competitiveness of the municipalities, in a flexible juridical framework. Hytönen recommends the safeguarding of public steering capacities in order to better cope with the fundamental environmental and societal challenges of spatial planning.


  • Towards a poststructural political economy of tourism: A critical sustainability perspective on destination development in the Finnish North
    Vol. 48 No. 3 (2019)

    To increase sustainability in tourism destinations, tourism research has highlighted the need for collective economic agency in destination localities. To date, research has tended to draw on multiple, often contradicting, theoretical perspectives in an attempt to clarify how collective agency in tourism destinations should be best organized in order to foster social justice and ecological sustainability.

    In her thesis, Kulusjärvi introduces a poststructural political economy approach for the study of economic agency and sustainability transformation in the Finnish North. The less growth-focused economic thinking and value-driven collective actions are brought to light as valuable forms of economic practice, also with respect to overall destination development. It is argued that this unconventional view on economic path creation is to be encouraged as it is better in line with climate change mitigation needs.

  • Culture, Institutions and Power: Institutionalisation of cross-border co-operation as a municipal development strategy in Northern Finland
    Vol. 48 No. 2 (2019)

    In order to understand the development prospects of border areas and the preconditions of transnational regionalisation, municipal planning of border areas needs to be approached not only from the perspective of EU-driven cross-border co-operation and building of “transnational” scale, but more comprehensively. Accordingly, the present research on the Finnish-Swedish border area, which is an internal border area of the EU, takes a more historically and contextually sensitive institutional approach in this regard.

    The thesis investigates the structural and discursive dynamics related to the institutionalisation of cross-border co-operation as a development strategy in the context of municipal planning. This enables not only identification of the conflicts and intersections between state-, EU- and local/regional-level development interests and institutional structures, but also provides room for recognising the diversity of the existing interests, strategies and motivations of local and regional actors and different interest groups involved in these institutionalisation processes.

  • Multi-scale relationship between geodiversity and biodiversity across high-latitude environments: implications for nature conservation
    Vol. 48 No. 1 (2019)

    The capability of present conservation actions to protect and sustain biodiversity in the face of global change is under debate. One solution could be Conserving Nature´s Stage framework which states that geodiversity (e.g. data on geological, geomorphological and hydrological richness) could be used as a coarse filter strategy for conserving biodiversity. This study investigates the potential of the framework by examining the relationship between biodiversity and geodiversity at high-latitude environments.

    The results of this thesis highlighted the overall positive relationships between geo- and biodiversity at both landscape and local scales. Geodiversity added explanatory power for biodiversity models and accounted uniquely for richness patterns for both common and threatened species of multiple taxa. This reinforces recent arguments that Conserving Nature´s Stage is an important and valid principle in conservation.

  • A spatial perspective of visitor experiences in national parks – Investigating the potential of Public Participation GIS methods in outdoor recreation planning
    Vol. 47 No. 4 (2018)

    Visitor use of national parks must be efficiently planned to cope with increasing and diversifying use of these areas. Academics worldwide have proposed that the use of Public Participation Geographic Information Systems (PPGIS) could improve national park management. This study further investigates the potential of PPGIS methods in the context of planning for outdoor recreation in national parks, and does so by incorporating views of practitioners working in Finnish national park management.

    The study increases the understanding of factors that influence visitor experiences, and reveals how PPGIS methods could serve visitor planning practices and frameworks. Moreover, the study advances understandings of challenges and opportunities related to implementing PPGIS methods into outdoor recreation planning.

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