Vol 54 Nro 1 (2025): Transformative Transparency for Local Natural Resource Revenue Management

					Näytä Vol 54 Nro 1 (2025): Transformative Transparency for Local Natural Resource Revenue Management

Transparency in the extractive sector is often seen as a solution to resource-related challenges, yet its impact on the ground remains limited. Many transparency initiatives focus on merely disclosing information but fail to empower citizens or hold decision-makers accountable. This doctoral thesis argues that for transparency to be transformative, it must go beyond information disclosure and actively strengthen state-citizen interactions in managing natural resource revenues.

By examining localized transparency efforts in two oil-rich districts in Indonesia—Bojonegoro and Pelalawan—the doctoral thesis explores key factors that influence the success of transparency initiatives and offers insights into how they can be enhanced to promote more effective natural resource revenue management. Emphasizing often-overlooked aspects such as citizen engagement and government accountability within the transparency process, the thesis introduces an analytical framework that integrates three essential elements of transformative transparency: information disclosure, citizen action, and accountability measures. The framework serves both as a tool for evaluating existing initiatives and a guide for designing transparency policies that work through enhancing public participation and state responsiveness. Simultaneously, this thesis reveals that citizens' participation and engagement depend on their legal rights, their lived experiences with extraction, and their perceived political distance from decision-makers.

The thesis highlights the need for tailored transparency initiatives that consider local contexts and power dynamics rather than assuming a one-size-fits-all approach. This thesis provides valuable insights for policymakers, activists, and industry leaders seeking to design transparency initiatives that not only inform but also empower citizens and promote government's accountability in the extractive sector and revenue management. 


Julkaistu: 2025-03-18