Vol 47 Nro 2 (2018): Political geographies of health care: Governmentality of population health in the constitution and transformation of state spatiality

					Näytä Vol 47 Nro 2 (2018): Political geographies of health care: Governmentality of population health in the constitution and transformation of state spatiality

Population health has been inseparable from the spatial constitution of the modern capitalist state since the 19th century and particularly after World War II. Perceived as a wide-ranging political problematic beyond the traditional scope of medical systems, population health has become one of the most significant objects of political power and governmental interventions.

The research offers new perspectives to the literature on state spatial transformation by conceptualising and investigating political geographies of health care. The study concludes that health care is an important organising element of the relationship between state power, state space and population and thus plays a crucial role in the historically contingent constitution and transformation of state spatiality.


Julkaistu: 2018-08-15