GIS and areal variation in dental caries – contribution of socio-economic factors among 6-year-olds in Kemi, Finland


  • Satu Lahti Institute of Dentistry, Department of Community Dentistry, University of Oulu
  • Jarmo Rusanen Department of Geography, University of Oulu
  • Sakari Kärkkäinen Oral Health Services, Social and Health Services, City of Oulu
  • Sinikka Kortelainen Oral Health Services of the City of Kemi
  • Hannu Hausen Institute of Dentistry, Department of Community Dentistry, University of Oulu


The aim was to study the area-based variation of factors related to oral health among 6-year-olds in Kemi, Finland. The areal factors included were: percentage of unemployed, annual gross income, number of persons economically dependent on one employed person and percentage of household-dwelling units with poor standard of equipment. Numbers of decayed, filled or missing deciduous teeth, emergency care visits for tooth-ache, missed appointments and appointments where the child had reported to be uncooperative were collected for each patient from 1998 records retrospectively since birth. No associations between oral health and areal factors were observed.

Research Articles




Lahti, S., Rusanen, J., Kärkkäinen, S., Kortelainen, S., & Hausen, H. (2004). GIS and areal variation in dental caries – contribution of socio-economic factors among 6-year-olds in Kemi, Finland. Nordia Geographical Publications, 33(2), 1–8. Noudettu osoitteesta