Present and Future Leisure Activities in Turku: Concise Analysis of Survey


  • Agnieszka Kozakiewicz Department of Geography, University of Turku


This article serves as an introduction to the research, which was made for the doctoral dissertation. The fundamental data used in this paper comes mostly from the surveys, which were made in 2006 and 2007 in Turku, Finland. The main aim of the paper is to present a concise overview of a very important part of human’s life – leisure. The first part of the text contains a few definitions and types of this yet relatively unpopular topic in geography. Following parts focus mostly on the leisure activities in the city of Turku – both recently and in the nearest future. The last part contains a short summary of the article.


Kozakiewicz, A. (2007). Present and Future Leisure Activities in Turku: Concise Analysis of Survey. Nordia Geographical Publications, 36(4), 73–81. Noudettu osoitteesta